
by iMicky

Control Technology - Allows you to monitor and control your factory. Monitor your factory using Smart Displays. There are seven types: SD1020 - 2 digit display with Icon. SD1030 - 3 digit display. SD1040 - 4 digit display with Icon. SD1050 - 5 digit display. SD1060 - 6 digit display with Icon. SD1070 - 7 digit display. SD1080 - 8 digit display with Icon.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
Circuit network

i Display any signal count

3 years ago

If no signal type selected, just sum everything up on the wire and use that value as input.

3 years ago

Is this possible? It's very tedious to select signals for every display every time. I'm using this mod to display storage contents.

1 year, 10 months ago

You can use an arithmetic combinator for that.
*Ea x 1 -> T

T will be the total of everything on the circuit.

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