Concurrent Train Restriction

Restrict amount of trains trying to reach station simultaneously by circuit network. UPDATED: * Added migration to native factorio train limits. tldr: Train stop limit.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Transition to 1.1

4 years ago

Congratulations your work is going to be integrated into the base game ;)

I know I am a bit early but do you think you will be able to provide a migration script once 1.1 comes out?

From what I see in Boskids post the script would need to tick the Set trains limit box and set the Input Signal to locomotive on all stations that have Enable/disable set to locomotive.

4 years ago

Thank you!

I will try to add such migration but not sure if will be able to put it in time.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank you very much for the migration.
I ran into trouble though.

A few of my stations didn't respond to the new trainlimit.
When checking it looked like some of them had their combinators wired to the invisible train stopp and not the real one.
Deactivating your mod got rid of the invisible stations and everything started working normally

4 years ago

Thank you!

New response