Concurrent Train Restriction

Restrict amount of trains trying to reach station simultaneously by circuit network. UPDATED: * Added migration to native factorio train limits. tldr: Train stop limit.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Some bugs...

5 years ago

It crash occasionally whenever we delete a train stop or the train trying to find new pathing ?

The most annoying bug would be a missing schedule.
It happen very often, not sure what cause it.
The setup were simple from point A to B, although there are multiple train use that schedule.
Say in A, wait till full or inactive
And B, wait till Empty or inactive
For some reason, the schedule either for B or A often is missing after awhile.

Is this mod still being maintained ?
This is probably the greatest less known mod, so simple yet so powerful, this should be one of vanilla feature.

5 years ago

Thank you for your report (and other your reports as well)

If you could reproduce the crash it would be nice to have save file just before crash.

On bug - so you have a train with two stops in schedule and after awhile it left with only one in it?

Btw thank you for warm words

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

You have no idea how happy i am to see you reply.
I encounter many crash, i don't bother to report it or save the log file and game save file since i'm aware you're not very active on mod portal.
Which is very understandable, i'm not complaining, a modder work on free time, and when they feels like it.

Back to crash report :
On crash when renaming/placing train stop bug, i can reproduce it (using mod version 0.23) , i have a safe file just before it crash.
But it seems the new 0.24 update is fixing the issue. It's not crashing anymore.
So the crashing perhaps because the mod trying to delete a schedule from the train, and confused the deleted schedule reappear again (due renaming station/newly built).

About the pathing crash issue, not sure what cause it, although i suspect the changes in pathing to target train stop a makes the mod confused.

Example :
(Btw, just to be clear, this is just a suspicion, not a confirmed this is what cause the crash)

1st suspicion :
Train were dispatched from A to B. But the path to B is lost due the rail were destroyed by biters.
The target station (B) since they think no train will come, they were giving order to send another train.

But i can't reproduce it to crash on my test world when i deconstruct a piece of track that lead to station B during dispatch.

2nd suspicion:
Due emergent gameplay (the way i setup my train stop/schedule), when the order were given, the train managed to move from A for one tick, but it stop right away since other train is already successfully departing to B.
So every train that didn't managed to departing to B still move little by little, 1 pixel at a time.
Eventually they will managed to get out of "train stop "boundary.
This more makes sense if i show it with this picture :

As you can see, the left train is not stopping at the proper stop,
It's more noticeable how far it managed to move if you're looking at the inserter being highlighted,
It's cannot inserting item to the cargo anymore.
This is also happen with the right train, on every stop, although not very noticeable in this picture.

Perhaps this is only happen in a large train network, on my simple 9 train test world, i can't reproduce this behavior.
The screencap were taken in a early map with 64 train. The problem more noticeable in later map with 188 train.

So my suspicion is, when they get out of train stop boundary, it just crash because they have nowhere to go ? Or even this is a vanilla train logic failure because a train somehow managed to get out from train stop?

Although sadly i can't sent the save file due yesterday i decided to replacing Concurrent Train Restriction mod with another mod due the crash / missing schedule issue is too overwhelming to handle.
But hey, this recent update / mod activity will certainly abandoned that plan, this will make me use this mod again as train main manager.

5 years ago

I fixed couple of bugs in 0.24 so it should not loss stations from schedule now.

Please let me know if getting out of station boundary or crash is still a thing.

New response