The idea of this mod is very good.
I tried it on a full Pyanodon playthrough and it would greatly accompany the compressible items mod.
Unfortunately the compressor have an in my opinion insane buffer.
They can store about 150K of compressed liquid - so it becomes basically a very very small, yet very very VERY large tank.
I planned to have the liquids compressed at the entry level and transported around the factory in a compressed fashion,
only to have them decompressed before going e.g. into a line of factories that needed liquid nitrogen.
The issue is that when every compressor buffers that much liquid - it becomes unpractical to use it in this manner,
since the amount of liquids necessary becomes insane quickly.
My suggestion would be to implement a regulation of the amount of internal buffering of the compressor in the mod options.
My second suggestion would be to support the idea of Kadusu for barreling pressurised fluids.
In case of my factory, this would allow to remove the VAST pipeline infrastructure that manages about 200 fluids and have the fluids transported via bots. (Which I consider more of sort of "trucks" or "flying trains" :))) ).
Thank you for consideration and for the mod.