Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

g Prio for cmopanions over network?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

In my game whenever I place blue prints down or give an order (delete, upgrade etc), the robots from the network will have prio over the companion drones.

Is there anyway to change this?

Issue arise when I am far way from my main base/mall with items and I have to wait for the network bots to get where I am instead of companions using the items I have in the inventory.
I see some people have the opposite issue (i.e not wanting their inventory to get used or filled). Anyway to reverse this?
I dont think construction drone or nano bots worked in this fashion.

Edit: Just found and used the Construction Drone hack mod (basically just changing a number so it works for 1.1) and it works as I wanted. The construction drones takes over the jobs even if a construction bot is already on the way flying (they just return when the drone is done quicker).

Companion Drones are quicker than Construction Drones, but this issue is a deal breaker for me. Plus Constructions drones are so cute :)
This might have been answered before - anyway to open source the Construction drones mod so others can upkeep it if feasible?

New response