Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

b Error Loading Mod

Failed to load mod. "Error while loading entity prototype "companion-construction-robot"(construction-robot): Key "direction_count" not found in property tree at" v( Can you help fix this?

3 years ago

Same error. Any news?

Can you share your modlist, just to check if we have any similarities? Maybe it could be error due to incompatibility. I couldn't pinpoint which mod was doing it. BTW, Still experiencing it myself. :(

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

This is mine, got the issue since today, worked fine yesterday.
I did 4 mod updates, including their dependencies. I guess it could be related to Space Exploration

Edit: I can confirm incompatibility with space exploration, requiring these mods:

  • space-exploration_0.5.5.58

  • space-exploration-graphics_0.5.9

  • space-exploration-graphics-2_0.1.1

  • space-exploration-graphics-3_0.1.1

  • space-exploration-graphics-4_0.1.1

  • space-exploration-graphics-5_0.1.1

  • shield-projector_0.1.1

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