Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

i Hotkeys to toggle drones

3 years ago

Could you add a hotkeys option to toggle attack and construction for drones?

3 years ago

Yes ok i will do it and then time travel and release it a few months ago

3 years ago

What do you mean - is it already implemented?
I do not see your mod in the list of keys (settings -> controls menu)
Yep, I see them as buttons in shortcuts grid in the game, but we don't have hotkeys for them in the controls menu (at least I don't see them there)

3 years ago

oh hotkeys right sorry...

3 years ago

And maybe button what disable companion drones. Like button what enable/disable vanilla dronstation.

Sometime I need little time for himself :)

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