Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

b Idle Jobs

3 years ago

Jobs for the drones seems to be idling or not doing anything.

Here's the thing, the drones ran fine for most of my game but recently drone jobs takes longer to actually work. If they do at all. If I cut & paste a few times or just randomly deconstruct and ctrl-z/undo, it would fire up the drones and they'll do some jobs. And then go back to idling. I have ghosts nearby with items in inventory but the drones just sit around idling. If I turn on my personal roboport (drone construction is on), my regular construction works immediately and as expected.

It's as like the drones work until they go on strike or something. Is there anything that might be causing this? The drones are fueled and items are available for construction. I can zip up a saved game if you think that would help.

3 years ago

Are you in construction range of the normal roboports?

3 years ago

No I'm not. There's actually no roboports in the area. I have my personal roboport (which is off) and the drones, which companion construction toggle is on. If I cut and paste parts of the build or just deconstruct an area and immediately control-z/undo the deconstruction the drones will happily fly around doing it's thing. Even after the ctrl-z section is finished, it would continue building the rest of the area until it decides to stop and idle around again. AFAIK, the drone are all working. I've been using companion drones on my map for quite awhile. I'm hundreds of hours on my SE map and it's just recently they seem to take longer and longer to get a job started. If it matters, this is on Nauvis, which is my most explored surface.

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