Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

g Basic Usage will be appreciated

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

As the title mentioned, it will be nice to have a basic usage of the companion drone mod in the information tab. I'm using spidertron engineer mod and I have no idea where to equip the companion reactors and lasers, cant click on them to open their equipment grid, or am I mistaking on the equipment purpose? One last issue, I'm having problems with getting the drones to deconstruct my builds, is there anything I need to do before they can start auto deconstruct builds like the previous drone mod does?

3 years ago

ok nvm, I'm being dumb, apparently not playing factorio for a few months and coming back to play makes me forget how to open a drone's inventory. Sorry for your time If you're reading this.

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