Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

g Either a bug or i dont know how to use properly

3 years ago

I just got the mod and build a drone - but it just hang there. It do not construct anything, repair anything or deconstruct. I tried to put repair packs in the drones inventory but it does nothing?
I supposed that it would work line construction drones that picked stuff out of my inventory and delivered harvested stuff back to me but do not know if it is a bug or if companion drones work differently?

3 years ago

it needs the equipment

3 years ago

Ok thanks - but if i put yellow belts in the inventory, it will still not put them down on ghosts?

3 years ago

Dont put anything in it's inventory, just the gear for the "grid". They pull from your inventory to build, and they use thier inventory for when you deconstruct and then put it all in your inv once they are full.

3 years ago

Thanks for the x-mas support - very appreciated!

I have belts in my inventory but still it will not construct them. nor will it deconstruct trees or other stuff :(

3 years ago

The companion needs the equipment modules

3 years ago

Thank you! Have a very nice christmas!

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