Companion Drones

by Klonan

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1 year, 6 months ago

b Impossible to Open

3 years ago

If the Companion Drones are on top of a building or ore, the mouse selects the building/ore. If, when you start the game, you place a drone on top of an ore, you won't be able to open it, making it impossible to place the equipment in the grid

3 years ago

Intended, so that they don't get in the way when building in the base

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

if, when starting the new world, I placedthem on ores, the drones would become unusable forever, as it is not possible to fill them with fuel since you can't select them (if I don't have fuel in the inventory when being placed)

3 years ago

If you walk near them with fuel they should auto-fuel

3 years ago

Thanks, didn't know that

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