Compact Coal

This mod allows you to compress coal into larger bits

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Possibility to decraft...

6 years ago

Can you add a way to decraft the compact coal to make it easier to transport regular coal?

6 years ago

I feel like it would defeat the purpose abit. The idea is you're compacting it, a very difficult process to reverse.

Ill try figure out how to make it take longer in the assemblers, and maybe have a "penalty" on the decraft

6 years ago

thanks.... the reason is with this mod, it is hard to control how much coal you compress with machines unless you control it by hand... and with many mods now requiring coal, yhid mod sometimes can get to be useless after you get Uranium.
PS maybe you can only decompress the TI or both T1 and T2 materials. That way you are not at DIAMOND level of hardness and compression.

6 years ago

You can decraft it using a mod called "reverse factory". Very useful one!

6 years ago

oh.... i have that mod... why have i not thought of that...XD im dumb

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