Combat Technology

by sjlevin

Killing enemies contributes towards technology research

4 years ago

i Plz!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

good mod. But even 1% for a kill is too much, the research ends too quickly. Need more flexible customization or nerfing

3 years ago

Honestly I agree with this so much.

1 year, 9 months ago

I just got this today, and agree 1% is waaaaaaay to much. I did go into the lua files and edited control.lua line 33 and changed:

attackingForce.current_research.research_unit_energy / 60 to attackingForce.current_research.research_unit_energy / 0.001 and that decreased the research time 100 fold. Still fiddling to find the sweetspot.

1 year, 8 months ago

After digging through the code, it appears we got the damageEffectScale setting backward. From line 37 in control.lua

local researchDelta = entity.prototype.max_health / (researchTotalCost * damageEffectScale) * (1 + attackingForce.laboratory_productivity_bonus)

we can see researchDelta (research gained per kill) is inversely proportional to damageEffectScale. So we need to set damageEffectScale to a big number if we want to reduce research speed.

1 year, 8 months ago

Changing the setting on "effect of damage on research in %" from 100 to 10000 gave me a reasonable speed on research.

11 months ago

Oh my God, I can't believe it. This whole time it's been inversely proportional, not actually a percentage. I ended up making a Deathworld were I put it to 1% but then increased the research cost multiplication to 1000 to get that sweet spot... but now using the research lab is so pointless. I wonder if I can change it after I already started.

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