♿Colorblind red-purple Adjustments All In on (Fr_Dae)

by Fr_Dae

♿Adjuststs colors and variations to make certain items more distinguishable by colorblind people. patched by Fr_Dae,rainguard thanks to the streamer OrphanePipe to be my cobayes

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 0.0.3

  mod: entity update
  update from @Yokmp#9479
Version: 0.0.3

  mod: 1.1 update
Version: 0.0.2

  mod: Raiguard has give some help to debug.
Version: 0.0.1

  add: all "red" stuff are now with a ugly purple layout x)
  note: 2 possible way, change png, or make a "gray" version and change the value on settings.