Sincerely sorry for the wall of text. the time of posting that earlier I had gotten a previous issue of mine to be fixed by updating the mod...sadly said issue is back...for some reason the time just sits there and never moves...I have gotten around this before on non warptorio maps by just disabling the sun never rises option temporarily till the sun is down then reenabling it but sadly that would be a little obnoxious to do in this case given that time never carries over. As of course implied this issue seems to follow me even when warptorio is not enabled so it's not the issue it seems... not entirely sure what the issue is though it may or may not have started after I had clicked restore to default in my mod settings in the writing of the post below. The following was written in the context of this issue I bring up now not existing. Not sure where to go with this now. The save linked however is from after this second issue came up...
It can very easily be replicated by simply generating a free play save, waiting for it to get to midnight like desired, and then either waiting for auto warp to kick in or clicking the manual warp yourself. Once it warps to the next area you would see the issue taking place. I have never the less included a save anyway as requested along with details on what the settings are set too and what mods are loaded.
For context, my general idea of what I am trying to use the mod for is for it to always be in constant darkness though I guess it was somewhat implied already.
Mods Loaded from world creation:
Warptorio 2
Planetorio (a dependency of warptorio 2)
Clock (by bobbing about, simply for having a numerical view of time)
Settings changed from default:
Warptorio 2:
Early boiler room water enabled
Logistic bots tied to roboports on the platform carried between warps enabled
Daylength multiplier: 0.25 (fastest to make it get to pitch darkness sooner)
Pitch black nights enabled
Sun never rises enabled