
by Yehn

Changes the parameters of the solar cycle: Make days longer or shorter and control what portion of the cycle is night. Make nights darker if you like. Includes an optional Sun Never Rises mode.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Enable starting in daytime

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Due to the way the mod's settings work, there is no possible way to make 50% night and 50% day but still have the game start within the daytime. I use 60x day/night cycle, and at .01/.06/.51/.56 cycle, my games start with 250s of pitch black night before dawn even breaks. It's a good ten minutes before I can really see anything.

Is there any way to make the mod enable a daytime start? I'd like to start just as the sun begins rising or even later, not 1% of the day earlier.

5 years ago

I'm not sure I can get to it today, but it shouldn't be too hard to add a "start at a certain time" option. I'll look into adding it. Thanks for pointing this out.

5 years ago


Just uploaded a new version with a feature where you can choose the starting time. If you'd like to start just as the sun's rising, try setting "Start Time" to the same as your "Dawn" setting (0.56) or just a little later. Hope you enjoy~

Thanks! It doesn't seem to work, however. I tried several different settings, but a new game starts at the same level of darkness no matter what.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Are you setting the settings before you've started a game?

I just tried this:

And it starts me in broad daylight. The start time setting won't take effect in a game that's already started, though.

Yes, I tried changing the setting, then making a new game.
I have RealisticPower installed, which has Day Night Extender mod integrated. Since I set it to 1x, it loads the game saying:
Day Length Multiplier = 1
Day Night Extender = OFF

It might still be having a conflict.

5 years ago

That does sound like a conflict. Have you tried asking the mod author for a way to prevent the mod from making any changes to the day/night cycle? Setting it to 1x might be indistinguishable from turning off completely in vanilla, but in the case of running something like Clockwork, it might be overwriting the changes this mod tries to make...

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I installed Realistic Power's recent update and it works. I don't think Kenira was aware of this incompatibility, yet it's been fixed anyway. ¯\(ツ)

5 years ago

Hehe - glad to hear it's been sorted out. Enjoy

New response