
by Yehn

Changes the parameters of the solar cycle: Make days longer or shorter and control what portion of the cycle is night. Make nights darker if you like. Includes an optional Sun Never Rises mode.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Crash while changing options for another mods

6 years ago

I change options for "Turret shields" mod.
But dusk is less than evening

6 years ago

Hi WildBraas,

I'm having trouble reproducing this issue. Do you have any other mods that might be affecting the day/night cycle?

Clockwork internally checks that dusk < evening before the setting is applied and I tested to ensure these safety checks are working just now. The only way I can think of that might get around it is if something else changed the 'evening' value beforehand...

6 years ago

Hi WildBraas,

I've uploaded a new version that has very thorough safety checks in case dusk/evening/morning/dawn get modified unexpectedly. Can you please try it and tell me if it resolves things for you?


6 years ago

Not quite sure, but not familiar that I have another cycle-changing mods. And yes, new version not crashing while changing props. TY!

New response