Cheaper Infinite Inserter Capacity Bonus Research

Cheaper research for Infinite Inserter Capacity Bonus Research - Copy from Infinite Inserter Capacity Bonus Research mod since i could not seem to mod it to make it cheaper

4 months ago

i A bit too cheap or?

4 months ago

Isn't that a bit like cheating with level x 50 red science? The capacity bonus for inserters 7 already costs 600 red, green, blue, purple, and yellow sciences.

4 months ago

Likely for most. It is really just to get around the high speed mini loaders and ultra inserts not being converted yet so i had no way to keep up with my belts. Honestly i liked your version it is just i needed a quick fix to a bottleneck i could not easily workaround yet with the other mods out there

4 months ago

Ah, okay, I understand. I'm not entirely sure, but aren’t there already several mods that add loaders? Aren't those enough?

4 months ago

3 that i have tried. 2 only support the built in belts and not mod belts so don't handle the speed. Last one did but had 2 downsides of been long and having an issue in the recipe making it impossible to build when you could build the belts. That last issue got fixed last night. I should not need this one the normal mods catch up it is just they update a different speeds so this covers a gap for me. Also since i did it has a separate research when i remove the mod from my game it should all get undone i hope and i can switch over to the other mod items. I named it different from yours at a research level for that and so it can kick in before the 7 in game ones are done.

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