Chat To File deprecated

Mod catches chat by players and much more, writes this to a file and with an app you can connect this to twitch and discord

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

i Linux support?

7 years ago

Any plans to add linux support to this?

7 years ago

or rather I should say, instead of making this client only, add headless server support.

7 years ago

uhm what you can do though is install nodejs, i am assuming if you run linux you have quite the experience with looking stuff up, im not sure how mod settings are handeled on a headless server, but if this works it should all just work fine, extract run.js, package.json and inspect how run-node.cmd is executed and write an bash script for it. i dont really have any experience with bash scripts so i think that would be better off with others, if you really want i could suplly an executable for linux so you wont have to run nodejs, but i think nodejs is a small effort on most linux distros

7 years ago

You can always hit me up on discord with my discord id: Eastborn#8053

7 years ago

nvm, ended up building my own

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