Chat To File deprecated

Mod catches chat by players and much more, writes this to a file and with an app you can connect this to twitch and discord

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16
7 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.12 (6 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 0.16
Downloaded by:
8 users

Chat to File

Useful tool for streamers playing multilayer games with their streaming overlays in front of the chat, logs chat/leave/join/death and even supports other mods sending messages to twitch chat


In the new and great 0.2.x release of the mod
- Way more options (you can disable every module separately and even configure your own substitution string - see the mods options under options>mods>per player>Chat To File) configurable per player
1. Chat module - Logs the default chat, everything that is typed by players
2. Death Module - Logs the deaths of people with a detailed description of how they died (only vanilla supported, mods may give weird results)
3. Join Module - Logs that people join the server/map
4. Leave Module - Logs that people leave the server/map
5. Remote Module - Allows other mods to use the Chat To File functionality (The "Prefix" setting will always be prepended to prevent mod abuse of the bot)
- You can set a delay so the twitch chat wont be bothered with spoilers.
- You should be able to change the location of the logging data on the fly, no restarting of the app necessary.
- It is not recommended to change the Settings Location. this might require a restart of the app.


Still waiting for the ShredManual Poke ShredGuy99 on twitch it might speed up the process
My personal install instructions:
1. Download mod from mod portal
2. Create or load into the map you want to add it to
3. Wait at least 2 seconds
4. Go to the mods folder (%factorio%/mods - usual location: "%appdata%/factorio/mods")
5. Open the "" file
6. Open the folder "ChatToFile_0.2.x"
7. Open the folder "EXTRACT"
8. Select all files in the folder "EXTRACT"
9. Right Click on the files in the folder "EXTRACT"
10. Left Click on "Copy"
11. Go to the script-output folder (%factorio%/script-output - usual location: "%appdata%/factorio/script-output"
12. Open the folder "stream-data"
13. Right Click on empty space in the folder
14. Left Click on "Paste"
15. Right Click on "run.cmd"
16. Left Click on "Edit"
17. This should have opened up notepad
18. Now edit whatever you want to set in this file between the 2 quotes (""). For Example. Change ( SET TwitchUser="") to ( SET TwitchUser="Eastborn") Rules:
* File is required
* If you set the TwitchUser, TwitchOauthToken or TwitchChannel you HAVE to set all three
* If you set the DiscordID or DiscordToken you HAVE to set both
19. Save the file
20. Double Click / run the run.cmd file


The changes the mod has gone trough


  • Possible fix for nodejs deprication error


  • Added remote function: "remoteAddDisplayName" so you can call"ChatToFile", "remoteAddDisplayName", "entity-name", "Entity Name Is Pretty Now") to add a display name for your entity that kills people


  • Tested mp things and artillery items added in 0.16

0.2.9 CAREFUL, needs more testing

  • Refined uploading to imgur of the screenshots on death
  • Misc bugfixes

0.2.8 CAREFUL, needs more testing

  • Added death screenshot functionality

0.2.7 CAREFUL, needs more testing

  • Updated to 0.16.x
  • Changed some code that broke between 0.15.x and 0.16.x migration


  • Updated NPM packages


  • Fixed reflection of mod powers


  • Fixed a bug where when someone died the server could crash
  • Fixed it so files actually got written
  • Added /ChatToFileSetDeath <PlayerName> <DeathCount> command


  • Changed a typo in the app where it said messages instead of deaths


  • Changed some things around to test stuff


  • Initial release --see description for features


The events used by the mod (for performance reasons noted here) note: Some might not be in here because of the engine i wrote and am using does some stuff like starting and stopping to listen to events


This function will trigger on creation of a map this mod is added in
It will make sure all variables used by the mod are initialized


This event will trigger on load of the game except when a new mod is added to the save
When loading make sure classes are re-initialized with their meta-data and makes sure to save data for this save


This event will trigger every tick of the game
Tricky one, the FileSystem will make sure its saving files only when it needs to and tries to spread them over the 60 ticks available in a second.


This event will trigger whenever mod option has changed
This will update the settings file so the app knows what to do


This event will trigger whenever a player changes force
This will update the player class to the correct force name and resets all other data freshly just to be sure


This event will get triggered by chat messages
The mod will catch this and write an entry to the file to be consumed by the app


This event will trigger every death by a player
The mod will catch this and write an entry to the file to be consumed by the app


This event will trigger every time a player joins the server/map
The mod will catch this and write an entry to the file to be consumed by the app


This event will trigger every time a player leaves the server/map
The mod will catch this and write an entry to the file to be consumed by the app


The Remote functions available to other mods via"ChatToFile", "<functionName>", "<functionparam>")


Calling this function will allow you to send the <message> to the chat file to be send to twitch


Calling this function will allow you to update the player model used by ChatToFile just in case you do something weird with the player and data isn't represented correctly - execute before chat command

remoteAddDisplayName(<entity_name>, <display_name>)

Calling this function lets you add a display name for entities that can kill players to be correctly displayed in the death event

Old 0.1.x versions

The mod catches anyone using the /say command and save this to a file ('%Factorio%/script-output/stream_data/chat_data.txt' by default),
there is a nodejs/exe file in the EXTRACT folder of the zip that will read this file and output it to twitch/discord based on the parameters in the .cmds

The exe file in the EXTRACT folder is a packaging of nodejs with the modules noted in the included package.json and the file run.js
I used the nodejs app "pkg" to make this happen, this is open source and can be looked at here:


The changes the mod has gone trough


  • Fixed a bug where when someone died the server could crash


  • Fixed a bug where typing % in chat will crash the save


  • Fixed a bug where the reason of dying didn't get replaced properly
  • Updated packaged nodejs version from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0
  • Changed the server ('run.js'/run-win.exe)


  • Made sure file contents are scrapped after processing in the exe file/js
  • Changed the server ('run.js'/run-win.exe)


  • Made sure that the hardcoded prefix was not displayed on discord as it was before
  • Added functionality to detect when someone died and notify the people on twitch/discord of this, this is changeable just like the chat is, also able to en/disable, includes the prefix
  • Fixed the server in how startup commands work, now not all parameters are required but for example if you decide to use twitchuser you HAVE to fill in the twitchoauth and twitchchannel as well


  • Fixed an issue where when you used an empty string or spaces after the /say command that the mod would crash
  • Added a "Prefix" option to the mod settings in game, instead of having it hardcoded on the server,
    advised to keep at least something here, since if you have a mod executing these commands on twitch it might have too many rights
  • Changed the server ('run.js'/run-win.exe) to print exactly what was written in the file instead of adding "<Factorio> " in front of the message


  • Initial release


The events used by the mod (for performance reasons noted here)


This function will trigger on creation of a map this mod is added in
It will make sure all variables used by the mod are initialized


This event will trigger on load of the game except when a new mod is added to the save
When loading the mod will make sure to tag the next mod iteration as a save iteration where the file should be overwritten


This event will trigger every tick of the game
The mod will check if it is ready for the next iteration (every 120 ticks - aka 2 seconds)
If a mod iteration is on going:

  • The mod will check if the iteration was tagged as a save iteration and if so it will overwrite the file


This event will trigger whenever mod option has changed
Will remove the previously saved file so you don't have x amount of files clogging up the save


This event will trigger every death by a player
The mod will catch this and write an entry to the file to be consumed by the server cmd