Charcoal Burner

Adds a way to turn your useless excess wood into charcoal

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Creosete oil amounts

6 years ago

Heya, I was wondering if these numbers were correct.

2x wood = 1 coal + 10 creosete
1x coal = 1x coke + 10 creosete
1x coke + 100 creosete = 1 solid fuel

It used to be such that you had excess creosete when creating solid fuel from wood. With these new ratios you'd have an excess of 4 coke per solid fuel created.

6 years ago

Hello, The base recipe for solid fuel uses different values, so I made it 40 because you are basically burning a block of tar. In angels all solid fuel needs 100 fluid so I made it cost 100 for consistency. This changes the ratios. The excess coke is still useful though

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