Cargo Train Manager

by StefanT

Manages cargo transport via train.

2 years ago

g Why should I choose this mod over TSM?

3 years ago

Is there any reason right now I should choose this mod over TSM?

3 years ago

Good question. I wrote the mod around a year ago when I was fed up with the bugs of TSM. I added some nice status lamps that automatically show the status of the requester/provider stations and a nice GUI where you can see what is requested. I do not know how TSM has evolved since - hopefully the bugs have been fixed meanwhile.

3 years ago

I improved the screenshots and added explaining text if you want to get more information.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Well to add my two cents (American term), I wanted something that was very simple that helped me manage trains, was expandable but did not completely automate everything. I did not like my trains sitting at the offload location while waiting to be emptied, but I had no need for a mega train network. The train logistics concept was too much in my opinion. It seems like overkill and turns trains into just a really fast belt in my opinion. This mod is a good in-between. If I wanted everything automated, why play the game, but I did not want things to be a chore just to set things up.

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