
Dig canals to extend or connect bodies of water. - Adds waterfill and swimming - Biters, players, and vehicles are slowed down in water

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g AI pathing, base attacks?

6 years ago

how does this affect AI pathing? best example scenario, if you piss of a bug base way far off with pollution will they take a straight path to your base over land and water or will they go via land if it means they'll get there faster then swimming? i know bugs will 'sortof' avoid forests but how do they handle water being cross able?

6 years ago

They will path over shallow water only (light blue) same as if it were land

6 years ago

I think you should not add shallow water to the water already on map. It should only be something you make yourself. This fucks up a lot of defense tactics, like the choke point tactic.

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