
Dig canals to extend or connect bodies of water. - Adds waterfill and swimming - Biters, players, and vehicles are slowed down in water

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Very nice idea!

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The idea behind this mod it's very nice, and the rules you put in the mod are also good, realism and balancing! I'll use this in my next run for sure! I had my base walled with water in my latest games and i found it very imbalanced (alien problem solved in few hours), there was no challenge at all. I think this might be the correct mix! I would just reconsider player walking on shallow whater ...

6 years ago

Thanks! Yeah, would love to get some swimming animation, or at least half the body tinted blue, but not very skilled with graphics..

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