Hydrogen Power Systems

Using the power of univese's most common element

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Does pyrolizer works?

4 years ago

When the Pyrolizer is connected to the Thermal Solar Paner 4 and the temperature reaches 800,
water is supplied through the side of the Pyrolizer and an outlet pipe is connected to the front of the Pyrolizer,
no hydrogen is expelled.

The Pyrolizer seems to consume a lot of heat, with temperatures between 799 and 800.

  • note *
    What does Squeak Through have to do with anything?
4 years ago

It seems you did everything right you just have to wait for the production batch to complete
Yes, the pyrolizer consumes a huge amount of heat just a few of them can eat all the heat from a nuclear reactor and if there's not enough heat the production becomes really slow
Squeak Through just makes it easier to walk around structures it's not needed at all to make them work

4 years ago

I see.
But I think it is misleading that the minimum temperature of Pyrolizer and
the maximum temperature of ThermalSolarPanerl are the same value at 800.

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