Carbon Capture

Reducing pollution and using it in your benefit

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Expand on Better Air Filtering

JoeyDP β˜†
4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hey CW

I'm also a big enthousiast of Shorty's air filtering mod. Where you focussed more on creating a use for "filtered pollution", I created a mod that enhances air filter machines and their range.

How would you like a collaboration between our two mods? I thinks that with a very small change to your mod, you can make it use my updated air filter machines. Then users can choose to include both our mods in their game. Please let me know what you think! Also feel free to contact me in PM.

4 years ago

It would be nice to collaborate with you but I'm now with some problems to maintain my mods up to date
How about I add you as a collaborator to my mod? This way you could make the modifications to make both mods work together.

JoeyDP β˜†
4 years ago

Sounds great CW! I'll be sure to notify you first when the integration is finished. Is there any private way to contact you?

4 years ago

I've already added you as a collaborator the only thing you are not allowed to do here is to add collaborators
if you use discord you can find me here: or use my e-mail if you need to send me file

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