Burnys Train Station Blueprint Creator

by Burny

A helper mod to quickly create train station blueprints for different train lengths and individual needs.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g support for logistic train network on the horizon?

7 years ago

Since it is the best train mod ever and this looks like the best train station blueprint creator ever.

7 years ago

I've tried the Logistic Train Network mod before (has been a while) but personally it makes use of trains too easy. Instead I try to use combinators and smart circuitry to make "smart trains" work.

Can you tell me how much I'd have to change/adjust my mod to make it compatible with the Logistic Train Network mod? Is it on the "train stop" that needs to be adjusted / configurable?

6 years ago

The mod can be quite complex but in its simplest form
It has its own stop that has 2 items behind it an logistics train stop input and an train stop output

the following is a way to setup the easiest request and delivery which should give a general idea of what would need to be added

both stations need the following
1. a constant combinator
2. wires connecting chests to poles(red wire in my case) and onto train stop input
3. wires connecting stack inserters to poles with option set filters enabled(green wire in my case)

loading station needs the following
1. a wire connecting the station with a nearby electric pole
2. station sead to read train contents
3. a constant combinator with the output set to provide threshold to a set number(mine is 6000) and hook it up to the train stop input
4. a arithmetic combinator hooked up on its input to a electric pole that is hooked up to the station(green wire in this case) with its input set to each( the *) with value of -1 and output to each then wire output to train stop output on a wire(green in my case) and to a nearby pole

unload station needs the following
1. a constant combinator that is hooked up to the train stop input where you set the item you want to request in the negative(say -6000 iron plates) and a request threshold of a set amount(mine is set to 4000

Now there are depot stations they are just a logistics train stop with a constant combinator hooked into the train stop input with a wire and the signal set to stop is depot
The depot's you generally want to have the refuel capability

Attached are the load and unload station blueprints
https://factorioprints.com/view/-LC9SBPlNzsf2cMw1_Yu (load)
https://factorioprints.com/view/-LC9TBaAXo0f8qoVqQ8A (unload)

I hope that this will help for if you do decide to add it and if not anyone who does use your mod and wants to use LTN can use it as a quick way to setup a modified version of the blueprint they just requested from your mod

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