Burnt Extractor

This inserter can take items from burnt result output

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

a Glad this can be deprecated now

3 years ago

in this update (version 1.1.37),
inserter now can take item from both the main output and burnt result.

at long long last,we finally getting it,and thx for you and all the friends coming along contributed it and make everyone`s live much much easier.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Wow! Good news everyone!

Thanks to Factorio devs!

It was a multiple times suggested, but was not possible. (yeah, the inserter can grab fish from water, but not items from burnt result)

3 years ago

now I found that inserter wont take burner inserter`s burnt_result,and they have no meant to fix it,so it sill got a use case,but relative minor one.

New response