Burner Leech

Burner Inserters can take fuel from any entity (ie. furnaces)

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Not working in Industrial Revolution

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

After update list of mods burner leech functionality not working as before. Before update inserter can take fuel and insert in himself or in the next furnance. Now it can insert only in himself. Dont mind is it a bug or normal?)
Burner Leech - 2.0.0
Industrial Revolution - 0.99.7

i do some investigation - in previous version everything works well

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

because of the problems 2 weeks ago, i played a vanilla game and came back to fantario and thus to leeching only now.
first the positive: fuel is no longer leeched onto belts etc. this seems to work now.
now the negative: it doesn't leech fuel at all, except for itself. but it won't forward fuel from one smelter to another, or from one burner lab to another burner lab.

JUST tested with a new map in vanilla 0.17.69 (and of course also with this mod v2.0.0), and it does NOT work. in a chain (chest1 - smelter1 - smelter2 - chest2, having a chest1 with coal and iron ore) the first inserter ends up with 1 coal, the smelter1 gets 5 coal and some ore to make iron plates, and the second inserter leeches 1 coal from smelter 1 FOR ITSELF ONLY. but it only forwards the iron plates to smelter2 and none of the coal :-(
thus the mod is only usable to fuel the inserters that empty plates to a belt, but not for chains in fantario or for steel production :-(

edit: some additional tests ... the result is the same no matter whether the option to leech by other inserters is enabled or not, and as expected the second inserter will not leech fuel for itself from smelter1 if the mod is disabled (playing pure vanilla). finally, using electric inserters also doesn't leech fuel from smelter1 for smelter2 no matter whether the option is on or off.

edit2: temp workaround : using another mod (InserterFuelLeech 0.2.2 which is another fork of some older version) works as expected and moves plates AND FUEL from smelter1 to smelter2, and then moves fuel from smelter2 to inserter3 as well as steel from smelter2 to chest2, but that mod only works with burner inserters and not electric inserters.

5 years ago

I am looking at re-implementing this functionality.
I was mis-informed when I migrated the code to the vanilla leeching, and I failed to properly test this feature.

A quick a dirty implementation of this should be in the next release, with polish to come.


New response