Building Time

by Klonan

Adds a building time to buildings

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b repair block robots escaped containment

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

I noticed that some ghosts start getting built instantly. Looking into it, I used the following command:

local tar = game.player.selected
local s = ""
local names = {}
if tar and tar.logistic_network and tar.logistic_network.robots  then
    local robots = tar.logistic_network.robots
    for _, robot in pairs ( robots ) do

        if not names[] then
            names[] = 1
            s = s .. "\n" ..
        names[] = names[] + 1


    s = s .. "no valid target"

game.print ( serpent.block ( names ) ) 

the returns were this:
{ ["construction-robot"] = 422, ["repair-block-robot"] = 2 }

This is obviously a problem. I THINK it might have had something to do with them being stranded on the combinator surface from 'compact circuits' mod, which allowed them to follow me back out somehow, but I'm really not sure. It only started after I first used that other mod.

New response