Brave new Workshop

by wartank

A workaround for recipies you can normally only craft by hand

1 year, 9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Handcrafting-only?

4 years ago

I can't think of a recipe that you can only handcraft. Can you give some examples in the description?

I've gotten reasonably far with a BNW game and not encountered this problem.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

If you apply BNW to a vanilla game then no, you won't need this mod. Its more for when you combine it with a mod pack that does require it.

For example Pyanodons HighTech mod ( has such a state where you need to make basic electric boards to get a factory that can create those. Normally you get a expensive hand craft recipe to close this gap, but no such luck with BNW

4 years ago

Ahh, that makes sense. I've played just a little bit of Seablock and I think there were some things in Bob/Angels that fit that criteria as well. Thanks.

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