Brass Tacks

Adds zinc ore so you can make the best alloy.

3 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

b Tech loop with More Science

1 year, 7 months ago

If More Science installed:

  • galvanized-steel require logistic-science-pack
  • logistic-science-pack require bottling-research
  • bottling-research require purification-research
  • purification-research require fluid-handling
  • fluid-handling require galvanized-steel

My proposal: just remove logistic-science-pack dependency if mods.MoreScience.
You already use same workaround for krastorio.

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

Nickel has same problem. My current way to deal with you mods (bz lib used):

if mods.BrassTacks then
    local terrible_tech = "galvanized-steel"
    local victim_tech = "fluid-handling"
    util.remove_prerequisite(victim_tech, terrible_tech)
    util.replace_ingredient("storage-tank", "hardened-hull", "steel-plate")

But after that, game is still impassable without bz gaz (or another early game chemical plant mod). Because invar.

1 year, 7 months ago

Thank you for the reports. I've been hit by several IRL problems in quick succession, which is why I haven't had the time or focus needed for modding. I intend to follow up on all the threads people have posted once things are resolved - I don't know when that will be just yet, but I wanted to post something to clarify that I had not dropped off the face of the earth never to be seen again. Thanks in advance for being patient.

1 year, 7 months ago

No problems.
As it turned out, More Science has a lot of incompatible with other mods. Looks like I should write my own compatibility addon if I want to play with all of them. Of course, I can also add workaround for your mods there.

(Chemical plant is a weak point. More Science water purification mechanics should be changed, I guess...)

New response