Plantable & Printable Trees

by Yes-Man

Craft and plant (blue-printable) tree saplings that grow into trees, and automate it with the Recursive Blueprints mod. This is an update of 'My Tree Mod' from SamuelCombrinck, which was inspired by 'Simple Saplings' made by hypermark which apparently was a fork of 'JJtJJs Tree Planting Mod'.

1 year, 5 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Blueprinted saplings not growing

2 years ago

The other thread got locked, but is very much an issue.

I have pasted a few thousand saplings from a blueprint, but none of them are growing. Placing them down manually they grow pretty quickly, so the issue is very much the blueprint itself.

Any solution to this?

1 year, 7 months ago

Yup. I'll upload an update.

New response