Blueprint Footprint

Adds a hotkey to place landfill beneath your blueprint.

6 years ago

b Another Crash

6 years ago

Error while running event
Blueprint_Footprint::mn-custom-input (ID 110)
attempt to get length of local 'bpEntities' (a nil value)

Happens regardless of where placed, the contents of the blueprint, whether over water, land or both, and no matter what keybind is used for the modifier. Hopefully it's an easy fix, the mod is exactly what I need for some upcoming projects.

6 years ago

The mod "Foreman" caused the crash in my case, potentially as they share the keybind ALT for various functions, ALT - R for flip on Foreman, just ALT to toggle with Blueprint Footprint. Curiously no matter what keybind I set in Blueprint Footprint the crash still occurs, though changing the keybind in Foreman to Shift - R as a test worked perfectly.

6 years ago

The mod "Foreman" caused the crash in my case, potentially as they share the keybind ALT for various functions, ALT - R for flip on Foreman, just ALT to toggle with Blueprint Footprint. Curiously no matter what keybind I set in Blueprint Footprint the crash still occurs, though changing the keybind in Foreman to Shift - R as a test worked perfectly.

I wish this had worked for me, but the mod still crashes no matter what keybinds I set for it or for Foreman

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