Compatibility with space exploration. (space exploration modifies the god controller [which is what you used to be in the lab] to be unable to mine.) This also has the side affect of keeping your inventory and position inside the lab now.
Added a confirmation to the clear lab button.
Fixed infinity items being in the crafting menu. It allowed for potential exploits in MP.
Fixed infinity items in the lab were only usable by admins.
Added sanity checks when entering/exiting the lab. Thus preventing all kinds of random issues with coming and going from the lab. Mainly for things caused outside of blueprint lab's control.
Fixed player's characters not logging off with the player when leaving a mp game.
Added a custom radar that covers the entire lab so you can zoom-to-world from anywhere in the lab.
Made the custom lab items unminable and indestructible. Though two items still ignore the indestrucible setting.
Maybe a few more things I missed getting into the change logs.