The Blueprint Lab - Credomane

Enter your lab to design your blueprints.

5 years ago

g What is different from Blueprint Lab Bud?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

You say this fixes annoyances and problems. What annoyances and problems?

5 years ago

From the change logs:

  • Compatibility with space exploration. (space exploration modifies the god controller [which is what you used to be in the lab] to be unable to mine.) This also has the side affect of keeping your inventory and position inside the lab now.
  • Added a confirmation to the clear lab button.
  • Fixed infinity items being in the crafting menu. It allowed for potential exploits in MP.
  • Fixed infinity items in the lab were only usable by admins.
  • Added sanity checks when entering/exiting the lab. Thus preventing all kinds of random issues with coming and going from the lab. Mainly for things caused outside of blueprint lab's control.
  • Fixed player's characters not logging off with the player when leaving a mp game.
  • Added a custom radar that covers the entire lab so you can zoom-to-world from anywhere in the lab.
  • Made the custom lab items unminable and indestructible. Though two items still ignore the indestrucible setting.

Maybe a few more things I missed getting into the change logs.

5 years ago

My character isn't god mode when I enter the lab now.

In v.16 you became god and moved around the map quickly. Now I'm a character and walk slowly around the lab.

Anyway to revert to old behavior?

New response