Black Market 2

by djmango

Sell and buy items/fluids/energy on the black market using trading chests/tanks/accumulators, choosing the frequency of exchanges and related fees. You can now sell your overproduction and buy things that you don't want to craft by yourself. You can also use these trading units as a paying shipment system.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

i HUI display

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

first of all, thanks for making this mod. i was kind of sad that it was not working for .17 but i recently updated my game and i was really happy to see it works great on .18 ( the important version)

so, i will post a couple of images about my problems, trying to describe it :
this is what happens to me when i open a buy chest. from my GUI, you can see i use the full list of ore spot from YARM, and also EvoGUI. i also have the mods Big Bags and a few other but i think these one are the main one taking vision space.
i was wondering if you knew of a quick way to "fix" this that would already be implemented. i know i could move the inventory screen out of the way but it is kind of inconvenient to not see your inventory when trying to buy some stuff
here is a list of things that i think would be a good addition to your mod, they are not all related to this but i think it would be nice to have all of these
suggestion 1 : make the trader window in front of everything ( even inventory ) :
suggestion 2 : make the items/fluids list larger and higher ( having a scroll bar inside a window with a scroll bar is not good from my POV )
suggestion 3 : make use of the space under the items in the trading chests
suggestion 4 : continue the good work


4 years ago

Suggestion 1 is impossible due to current limitations of the game engine, check and

4 years ago

Thanks so much! If you could open GitHub issues for these that'd be great! I like the suggestions, I will work on implementing them on my upcoming revamp of this mod, especially the GUI improvements. I understand the frustration, as I use BM2 in my personal saves as well.

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