Biters Begone!

Disables biter spawning and deletes all enemy units when loading a game. Reversible by removing!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Incompatibility with space exploration

4 years ago

The use of this mod conflicts with the space exploration mod, disabling it when the game is loaded.

I'm using the mod for a similar and conflict-free effect but it would be cool to make Biters Begone! compatible with space exploration.

4 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. Can you be a little more specific? I've never used the space exploration mod.

Is there an error or some other issue that occurs?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

When I load a save game with the Biters Begone! mod active, the space exploration mod is deactivated.

I hope this helps.

4 years ago

The issue was apparently that one of the unit types SE creates was marked as an "enemy", meaning Begone! would destroy it, and that would mess up SE's assumptions about the game state. The easiest fix for now was to make it only delete units, unit spawners, and turrets. Hopefully that does not make this mod less functional in the environment of other mods. Guess we'll find that out eventually.

SE lists Begone! as an incompatibility, but hopefully they will adjust that now that the two mods put together no longer causes crashes. You can perhaps edit the SE info.json in the meantime and it will hopefully work.

4 years ago

Alright, so it no longer crashes, but the SE maintainers point out that biters are actually essential to the story of their mod. There is also a setting in SE for turning off biters on Nauvis. So ultimately it sounds like it shouldn't be necessary to run the two mods together. I think they'd be more receptive if Begone! had a feature to only delete biters on certain surfaces, but that's definitely a stretch goal. The github repo with the source is available if you want to send a patch, though

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