Big Brother

Big Brother - Research radar upgrades in amplification, efficiency, and surveillance capabilities. Create the ultimate surveillance state.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Can't delete base game radar

3 years ago


Using your mod
when you drag an area for delete
then vanilla Radars should be marked for deletion
and finally deleted by drones.

Error is that you can't mark them for deletion, they simply arent detected by the drag and drop area.

3 years ago

And it's even worse if you use it with Von Neumann mod, that dont allow you to deconstruct entities manually...
It's a true pain because you cant remove them at all.

3 years ago

I'm having this issue too.
Any chance to find it and fix it ?

3 years ago

Just to clarify the details...
Upgrade planners and Deconstruction planners do not detect the radars from this mod, I'm not sure exactly why. The only things I can think of are:
That these planners are not being integrated correctly with the control scripts.
Or that since there is no item which has a "place_result", the planners cannot detect them correctly...
Either way, I am unable to give more details apart from that, I am not too familiar with the lib you are using, and my runtime script knowledge is barely passable...

2 years ago

Any chance to get this problem solved ? I'm really bothered with it, playing Brave New World, and I love this mod.

2 years ago

the bug exists since 2 years at least... don't expect it to be fixed ....

2 years ago

On my contry there is the proverb: "Hope is the last to die", then why don't hope that someone or maybe the modder can fix this?
A little mod that fix this issue can be really appreciated if someone want do it...

Note: I'm not so good with english, so translation is... approximative. I hope you get the point anyway.

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