Big Brother

Big Brother - Research radar upgrades in amplification, efficiency, and surveillance capabilities. Create the ultimate surveillance state.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Switchable Upgrades

3 years ago

I'd love to see some of the different upgrades be switchable. For example, I have decided I don't want Surveillance 2 and sometimes I question Surveillance 1 and whether I really want all 9 levels of upgrade. For my personal use I have gone in and remarked out the lines of code related to Surveillance 2 but that of course causes issues when updates are released as I have to go in and make all the changes again. It would be nice to have a mod setting that allows different sections of the mod to be (de)activated as desired.

3 years ago

I second this (sort of) - I don't care much for the update levels but being able too switch off the surveillance feature would be neat always annoys me that it's there when I never use it (cluttering the menu) a simple toggle in the mod settings would be nice enabling/disabling that would be lovely :)

3 years ago

+1 with op request

3 years ago

Is the annoying removal of large utility poles leaving a monitoring probe solved?
I think it's even a huge UPS problem to have a surveillance probe on every utility pole under radar cover, and I don't understand what it means to do that.
+1 with op request

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