Big Brother

Big Brother - Research radar upgrades in amplification, efficiency, and surveillance capabilities. Create the ultimate surveillance state.

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Compatibility with Lighted Power Poles

5 years ago creates a Lighted version of every power pole in the game,
but Big Brother doesn't detect them for Radar Coverage

Their name is "lighted-big-power-pole"

I don't know much programming, but the followling control.lua changes worked in my Test World

Line 16: elseif name == 'big-electric-pole' or name == 'lighted-big-electric-pole' then

Line 43: if name == 'big-electric-pole' or name == 'lighted-big-electric-pole' then

Line 110: -- track all big-electric-poles
local power_poles = surface.find_entities_filtered({name = 'big-electric-pole'})
table.each(power_poles, function(entity) track_entity('power_poles', entity) end)

    -- track all lighted-big-electric-poles
    local power_poles = surface.find_entities_filtered({name = 'lighted-big-electric-pole'})
    table.each(power_poles, function(entity) track_entity('power_poles', entity) end)

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