Big Lab

Original mod by DellAquila, tweaked and updated to 1.1 A Big Lab that processes your science packs much quicker and has more module slots.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Compability issue

a month ago

Failed to load mods: Error while loading technology prototype "electronics" (technology): Value must be a list in property tree at
Modifications: Base mod › Kuxynator's Slim-Inserters › StarsWithSakura 星辉洒落处,飘落樱花瓣(alpha) › Big Lab › Science Not Invited

Works fine if StarsWithSakura mod is disabled

a month ago

Can you try loading all of the other mods without Big Lab? I'm wondering if it's actually my mod causing the issue or not, because this mod doesn't do anything with technologies themselves.

a month ago

StarsWithSakura is at fault but your mod is on the list it doesn't like >_> If that mod is disabled there is no compability issue, idk im new to factorio with mods

a month ago

No worries, the error messages aren't always exactly super clear as to which mod caused an issue, since it's an error in the data format. Any of the mods that "modified" it could be at fault (meaning just looking at the data counts as "modifying" it), so it just lists all of the mods in order of when they accessed the data, and mine happened to be on that list. I'd say because you found out that toggling StarsWithSakura fixes it, it probably has something to do with that mod, so it's worth reporting there if you haven't already.

a month ago

I did report there too, to every involved party, you just happened to answer first :)

a month ago

Ah, I see. Best of luck!

New response