Better Robots Extended

by Nick1Z2

This mod adds four new tiers for logistics and construction robots (MK2–MK4), with configurable speed, carrying capacity, and battery capacity, plus research to boost carrying capacity. It also includes new Roboport MK2 and MK3 with configurable charging speed for enhanced charging and logistics capabilities.

a month ago
Logistic network

b Version 1.1.5 Bug

3 months ago

The latest patch removed Mk 4 Bots from being able to be crafted. I checked my settings and they should still be enabled.

3 months ago

Did some investigating and it appears that it stems from the Logistic robot 4 technology. It awards the Mk4 construction bot instead of the Mk4 logistic bot now.

3 months ago

Hi Xeypher,

Thank you for catching that! The issue where the Logistic Robot MK4 technology unlocked the Construction Robot MK4 recipe has been fixed. I just implemented the correction, so the proper recipe should now be awarded.

Please let me know if you encounter any other issues!

Best regards,

3 months ago

Hi Xeypher,

Thank you for catching that! The issue where the Logistic Robot MK4 technology unlocked the Construction Robot MK4 recipe has been fixed. I just implemented the correction, so the proper recipe should now be awarded.

Please let me know if you encounter any other issues!

Thank you for the fix! I also caught a small text bug on the Roboport Mk3. In game it's simply listed as "Roboport Mk".

Love your mod!

Best regards,

New response