
Adds barbed-wire, which can be placed down and hurts and slows down any enemy that walks on it. They can be upgraded to: Reinforced (more health and damage) Slowing (slows down more) Conductive (can be powered to deal extra damage) or any combination of the three.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

g Changelog?

7 years ago

Would you mind either appending a changelog onto the information page here, or add a link to a thread on Factorio forums and post updates there?

Somewhere we can check before downloading an update?

-- Smoov

7 years ago

Unrelated, but nice avatar image.

I'd also like a changelog if it's not too much trouble. That said, I just look at the github commits.

7 years ago

I have added a link to the forums.

New response