
This mod allows players to create and remotely control Avatars. Avatars act like players, with a few minor exceptions. The mod also includes a few custom entities to control and create the Avatars.

6 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Incompatible with "Marathon Mod Automated"

7 years ago

It seems this mod doesn't play nice with Marathon Mod Automated.

Link: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/faraway9911/marathomaton

I got the following error: http://i.imgur.com/bN4gz5Z.png

With some trial-and-error I found it's this mod causing it. Since that mod tries to automatically increase recipe amounts, it's probably got something to do with that process. I'm just guessing though.

7 years ago

I can't reproduce that error. I've tried Avatars with just Marathon Mod Automated, I've tried adding in the whole Angel's and Bob's basic suite of mods. Can you double check that all of your mods are updated, and if you're still having issues I'll need a list of mods that cause this crash.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Everything is updated. I'm using a long list of mods (including Angel's en Bob's), so you're right to search in that direction. I just copied my JSON to pastebin, is that alright?


However, I just tried the following, with no changes to other mods:
Avatar on/Automated Marathon off: No error
Avatar off/Automated Marathon on: No error
Avatar on/Automated Marathon on: Error

Edit: In case you find that errors are to be expected with such a mess of mods, I understand if you're unwilling to see what combination conflicts. Especially since you have difficulty reproducing it yourself as well.

7 years ago

Ok, how about this, can you zip your mods folder and send it to me? Either email to DedlySpyder@gmail.com or upload it somewhere with a link.

Either way, I'll look into this either sometime late this week or over this weekend.

7 years ago

Found the issue, it is with marathon mod automated. I've made a post on the mod portal page for it.

7 years ago

That's interesting - I actually have tested with Avatars and haven't seen this bug.

7 years ago

(I'm working on marathomaton) Will continue to investigate the root cause. Can also push out a patch in the meantime.

7 years ago

Patch pushed.

7 years ago

Yes, I'm not sure which combination of mods requires it, but it somewhere between Angel's/Bob's (plus our 2) and that list of 100+.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Thanks DedlySpyder, and I hadn't even sent the zipped up mods yet. Shame on me.

Great job though. faraway9911, with your patch of automated marathon everything works again!

Oh, and it's not actually 100 activated mods. Most are toggled off. Still 50 or so, though.

New response