
This mod allows players to create and remotely control Avatars. Avatars act like players, with a few minor exceptions. The mod also includes a few custom entities to control and create the Avatars.

8 months ago
0.13 - 1.1


Version: 0.5.27
Date: 03. 25. 2024
    - Fixed lost avatars when using "Player" for "Avatar Ownership" setting, when combined with the Jetpack mod. To fix, change this setting to "Force", control the avatar, fly and land with the jetpack. This will repair the player link to the avatar.
Version: 0.5.26
Date: 01. 21. 2024
    - Adjusted productivity module limits for intermediates. Higher tiered productivity modules from other mods should now work on intermediates (tested with Bob's Modules)
    - Fixed crash when Bob's Modules mod removed the limitation on productivity modules
    - Fixed uncontrollable Avatar when connecting across surfaces to an Avatar that was disconnected over Space Exploration's pyramid
Version: 0.5.25
Date: 02. 26. 2023
    - Fixed crash when disconnecting from an avatar after the player's original character changed surfaces (Added "/avatars_repair_player_temporary" to fix mod references if this bug already broke them)
    - Fixed crash when trying to control an Avatar that, during the process of controlling, teleports to a new surface
Version: 0.5.24
Date: 02. 04. 2023
    - Fixed crash when changing controllers while in the Avatar Control Center and interacting with some UI elements
Version: 0.5.23
Date: 01. 13. 2023
    - Fixed crash when an avatar corpse that was made before 0.5.22 was mined or expired
Version: 0.5.22
Date: 01. 08. 2023
    - Added map tag on avatar entity death, the tag will automatically be removed when the avatar corpse is removed
    - Fixed crash when player is not a character when trying to control an avatar
    - Fixed crash when player maintains control of an avatar that becomes untracked, /repair_avatars is run, then someone else attempts to control it
Version: 0.5.21
Date: 06. 22. 2022
    - Added Space Exploration compatibility for respawning (if you have respawned from an Avatar and lost your inventory, check in the control center for your old character and items)
Version: 0.5.20
Date: 03. 08. 2022
    - Added /repair_avatars command to handle fixing stale avatars in a clean way
    - Added new permission settings to verify players are in certain group(s) before running the repair command (default allows all, admins are always allowed)
    - Fixed crash when the selection UI has a stale avatar that is attempted to be controlled
Version: 0.5.19
Date: 07. 29. 2021
    - Added repair logic when tracked entities (avatars, characters, ARDUs) are cloned
Version: 0.5.18
Date: 05. 23. 2021
    - Added AAI Programmable Vehicle compatibility (added to exclusion list)
    - Fixed ejecting the wrong player from the control center when multiple characters are in it
Version: 0.5.17
Date: 03. 22. 2021
    - Added "Avatar Ownership" setting to switch between displaying available avatars by force (default and old functionality) or by player who built it
Version: 0.5.16
Date: 01. 01. 2021
    - Fixed avatar color settings not working
Version: 0.5.15
Date: 11. 23. 2020
    - Support for Factorio 1.1
Version: 0.5.14
Date: 10. 29. 2020
    - Fixed crash when attempting to close th control center UI while the character is not inside it
Version: 0.5.13
Date: 09. 21. 2020
    - Fixed crash when attempting to disconnect from a non-existent character
Version: 0.5.12
Date: 09. 18. 2020
    - Added mod compatibility remote interface for other mods that swap out the avatar entity (to build off of 0.5.6 fix for invalid avatars)
Version: 0.5.11
Date: 06. 13. 2020
    - Fixed broken migration from 0.5.9 and earlier
Version: 0.5.10
Date: 06. 12. 2020
    - Added quickbar memory for avatars and main character (this is on a per player per avatar basis)
    - Quickbar memory will be removed if the avatar is destroyed and will follow it if the avatar is renamed
    - Disconnecting from an avatar now reopens the selection GUI if the player is still in the control center
    - Added Space Exploration integration, by using the RTG equipment instead of the full portable fusion reactor
Version: 0.5.9
Date: 06. 01. 2020
    - Fixed crash on loading multiplayer save with unused avatars
Version: 0.5.8
Date: 05. 28. 2020
    - Fixed broken avatar entity reference when joining a multiplayer game (or loading a multiplayer save in single player) while controlling an avatar
Version: 0.5.7
Date: 05. 24. 2020
    - Fixed global table repair
    - Fixed crash when refreshing empty avatar list
Version: 0.5.6
Date: 05. 23. 2020
    - Added new command to repair global avatars list -- /c remote.call("Avatars", "repair_avatars_listing")
    - Fixed compatibility isuses with other mods that create/destroy avatars
    - Added some missing event handlers that could have been dropped up til now
    - Added skip to listing invalid avatars, in case other mods do not trigger the events
Version: 0.5.5
Date: 05. 01. 2020
    - Fixed crash on Factorio boot due to change in custom-inputs
Version: 0.5.4
Date: 01. 02. 2020
    - Support for 0.18
    - Changed avatar animations and corpse pictures to be dynamically created from the main character versions, to ease any future updates
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 20. 05. 2019
    - Added player.character check on the pre player died handler, for mod compatibility
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 03. 05. 2019
    - Updated character entity names (for 0.17.35 changes)
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 24. 04. 2019
    - Fixed mod compatibility with some mods on the script_raised_built event having a nil entity (i.e. Staplergun's underground pipe)
    - Fixed mod compatibility with some mods when the player is teleported to a new surface without a character (i.e. The Blueprint Lab - Bud)
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 19. 04. 2019
    - Added settings in place of using config.lua
    - Added Refresh button to control center GUI
    - The control center & avatar rename GUI will no longer automatically update in multiplayer games, but will display a warning if the data gets stale
    - Errors for renaming now show in the GUI in addition to displaying in the console
    - Control buttons will now be disabled if an avatar is uncontrollable right now
    - Reworked Avatar Remote Deployment Units (ARDU), they now will only deploy an avatar when you "control" them
    - Removed Avatar Assembling Machines (they were just confusing)
    - Exiting from the control center or ARDU GUI will pop the player out of the entity
    - When a player disconnects from a multiplayer game, they will be swapped back if they were controlling an avatar
    - Added english placeholders for the Russian translation (any help with the Russian locale would be appriciated, because I will likely butcher it by using Google Translate)
    - Fixed Avatar color (they reverted to the player color some time back, they should be gray by default now)
    - Stopped Avatars from running off when disconnecting sometimes
    - The player character will now stay in the control center when taking control of an avatar
    - Added compatibility for surface changing mods (such as Factorissimo)
Version: 0.4.17
Date: 21. 03. 2019
    - Fixed bug when the player's original body dies while they are controlling an avatar
Version: 0.4.16
Date: 06. 03. 2019
    - Optimized image compression (Thanks SuperSandro2000)
    - Moved changelog to be inside the game/mod portal
Version: 0.4.15
Date: 04. 03. 2019
    - Fixed angel mod integration (Thanks SuperSandro2000 for pull request)
Version: 0.4.14
Date: 01. 03. 2019
    - Support for 0.17
Version: 0.4.13
Date: 28. 02. 2018
    - Fix to Russian locale file
Version: 0.4.12
Date: 27. 02. 2018
    - Added Russian locale (Thanks IgorLutiy)
Version: 0.4.11
Date: 11. 02. 2018
    - Fixed incompatibility with other mods that change the base character
Version: 0.4.10
Date: 16. 12. 2017
    - Fixed issue with braking_power being 0W in Factorio version 0.16.18
Version: 0.4.9
Date: 16. 12. 2017
    - Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9!
    - (No but seriously, the mod portal said I already had a 0.4.9, so this version got skipped)
Version: 0.4.8
Date: 16. 12. 2017
    - Support for 0.16
Version: 0.4.7
Date: 20. 04. 2017
    - Fixed typo in dependencies
Version: 0.4.6
Date: 04. 08. 2017
    - Fixed incompatibility regarding silicone stack size
Version: 0.4.5
Date: 27. 05. 2017
    - Added recipe integration with Angel's and Bob's mods (thanks sbadkins4 for suggested recipes)
Version: 0.4.4
Date: 15. 05. 2017
    - Fixed bug with the disconnect button not being destroyed
    - Added an exit button to the control center UI
Version: 0.4.3
Date: 01. 05. 2017
    - Support for 0.15
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 26. 08. 2016
    - Support for 0.14
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 07. 08. 2016
    - New Avatar Skin icon (thanks wildejackson)
    - Fixed minor bug when entering a control center before placing any avatars
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 17. 07. 2016
    - Reworked the avatar table GUI
        - Added scroll pane in stead of a paging system
        - GUI now shows avatar distance from the player, instead of the x,y coordinates
        - Sorting by avatar name and distance
    - Added tool tips to most buttons
    - Now uses ticks 17 and 23 instead of tick 0
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 01. 01. 2016
    - Added hotkey to disconnect from avatars (F2 by default)
    - Updating the avatar death handling (you can now do dangerous things in multiplayer safely)
    - Cleaned up some GUI alignments
    - Fixed a few issues with GUI updates
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 01. 01. 2016
    - Support for 0.13.0