
by Wyrrrd

Automatically set inserter filters based on adjacent inventory/belt.

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Crash caused by Autofilter while upgrading belt with Upgrade Planner with Deadlock's stacked items on it

5 years ago

Hi there, this is a bit of a weird crash since it is involving three mods but I wanted to make you aware of it. For some reason when autofilter is enabled and you go to upgrade a belt with deadlock's stacked items on it then the game will crash.

With the Autofilter, and the mod Upgrade planner and deadlock's stacked items on a belt, trying to upgrade the belt causes this crash to happen

5 years ago

The deadlock stacked item has nothing to do with it. Recreated the error without the mod loaded.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Also, this happens with upgrading power poles as well. Something might be fishy with the on_built_entity event Upgrade Planner raises... This should not be grabbed by Autofilter, since I am filtering the event for inserters.

5 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Fixed in 0.18.4, thanks a lot for reporting.

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