Auto Train Colors deprecated

Sets train colors based on their contents.

2 years ago
2 years ago
Latest Version:
1.2.2 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
12 users

What does this mod do?

This mod makes trains automatically color themselves whenever they start moving on a path with an appropriate color based on the resource they're carrying. If a train is carrying more than one type of resource the color will attempt to blend appropriately (e.g. iron is blue, copper is red- carrying 50% iron and 50% copper will make the train somewhat purple).

Colors are applied by priority, and different types will not blend. The higher priority will color the train.

Manual control > Items > Fluids > Artilley

Trains stops and empty trains heading to those train stops will attempt to color themselves based on the resources that departed from that train stop in the past. If that train stop has logged departures with multiple different colors it will not attempt to color inbound trains, and the train stop will turn white.

What other mods does this support?

  • Bob's ores (+ plates) [colors not updated since 0.16]
  • Angel's ores (+ plates) [colors not updated since 0.16]
  • Dark Matter Replicator [colors not updated since 0.16]
  • Krastorio 2


I am open to submission of new or better colors. I'd like to make a UI to let players set colors for their own games, but I don't have time.


(Formerly called Train Ore Colors)

  • 1.2: Update for Factorio 1.1, support for fluid wagons/artillery/manual trains, support Krastorio 2, support coloring train stops and inbound trains.
  • 1.1: Added support for Bob's, Angel's, and Dark Matter Replicator.
  • 1.0: Initial release.