Atomic Robots Fix deprecated

Adds robots made with uranium fuel cells that do not need to recharge. Updated to 0.17/0.18/1.0

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0
Logistic network

b Attempting to call global 'flying_robot_sounds'

4 years ago

Hi! With Factorio 0.18.6 I get the following error upon launch:

Failed to load mods: AtomicRobotsFixv/data.lua:1: AtomicRobotsFixv/prototypes/entities.lua:121: attempt to call global 'flying_robot_sounds' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
AtomicRobotsFixv/prototypes/entities.lua:121: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
AtomicRobotsFixv/data.lua:1: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
AtomicRobotsFixv/data.lua:1: in main chunk

4 years ago

I have this same error, is there a workaround/update yet?

4 years ago

I thought i'd have a go at fixing this myself and i think the issue is lines 121 & 298 should read " working_sound = sounds.flying_robot(.05)," instead of what they currently do.

I tried editing the the file and reloading the game, but Factorio just behaves as if the mod is not installed.

I can't figure out which file i need to edit to get it detected and working again.

4 years ago

ok, so that didn't quite work, i ended up removing line 298 and then 121 completely, it is working normally

4 years ago

same error..

4 years ago

i will fix it today. I hope.

4 years ago

i will fix it today. I hope.

Thank you :)

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