Assembler UPSGrade - SE Fork

Space Exploration friendly version. Provides Application Specific factories to reduce the entity count on megabase maps. Compression ratio is configurable. IE: you can decide to have each building be equivilant to 25 assemblers, or 1000. The recipes/costs/results/size/pollution will all scale accordingly.

2 years ago

b SE compat fix seems to make it incompatable with krastorio 2

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

not sure why but krastorio 2 and this version of of the mod don't work together but the standard on does work

stack traceback:
AssemblerUPSGrade-SEFork/prototypes/functions.lua:23: in function 'getItemCreateTime'
AssemblerUPSGrade-SEFork/prototypes/functions.lua:93: in function 'computeItemsPerSecond'
AssemblerUPSGrade-SEFork/prototypes/functions.lua:261: in function 'unwindAssemblersNeeded'
AssemblerUPSGrade-SEFork/prototypes/functions.lua:272: in function 'unwindAssemblersNeeded'
AssemblerUPSGrade-SEFork/data-final-fixes.lua:48: in main chunk
55.093 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
55.578 Checksum for core: 1381136629
55.639 Error ModManager.cpp:1577: Error in assignID: recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.

2 years ago

Oh no! I haven't done any testing with Krastorio2 yet. I'll look into it. Thanks for the log.

2 years ago

I had hardcoded a SE recipe change, and looks like K2 does some wild stuff with new recipes. This is my first foray into public modding. and I have a lot to learn, so it may take a while to do everything properly. I'll unfortunately have mark this as incompatible for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2 years ago

i can wait you have my encouragement

New response