Archdruid's Chest Mod

Changing the size of chests (Wood, Iron, Steel, Logistics Storage). Providing more storage space, but increased the recipe cost.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g phantom chest

4 years ago

After disassembling a mark 3 chest i get phantom cheats that still draw power and will not let me build on them.
I have tried to re build them and build over them with other che

4 years ago

i will look into this and update if needed - so give some time to trouble shoot that part as i my freetime is currently limited.

4 years ago

Thank you very much! I love the mod!
If it helps it also looks like they still use power even after removed too.

Again thanks!

4 years ago

Hi mainminemoo,

thanks again for the reply but havn't got much time to spare yet. anyway i will upload a fixed version of the mod in moment. (at least it seemed to be fixed in my games). Reason behind the bug - typo in code of control.lua which is not always spotable directly … as brains tend to oversee typos easily.

thanks and regards for your Replys. keep on building. :D

New response